Reforming the Justice System
Systems of justice and law have the potential to change lives for the most vulnerable, for victims that seek redress for the wrong committed onto them, for offenders turned to crime who're now looking for an avenue for rehabilitation and for the average person who relies on the safety and rights it promises. Justice is often depicted as a balancing act, with good reason. It's the act of balancing different considerations within sentencing, the act of balancing the importance of differing evidence, and even the act of balancing the rights of different groups against each other. However, it's probably an understatement to say we haven't always gotten that balance right. That's why Balancing Rights seeks to examine the way in which this system operates, create discourse around its limitations and how it's impacted by varying notions of what justice. This happens not only through creating information about areas of the legal system that need reform but also informing people of their rights that allows them to stand up for themselves and access legal representation when protections theyre guaranteed are not being provided to them.